Amiga Format CD 47
Amiga Format AFCD47 (Issue 131, Xmas 1999).iso
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Text File
275 lines
S B O O M V2.0
Has been tested on :
- Amiga 500, Kickstart 1.3, 512 Ko Chip and 512 Ko FAST.
- Amiga 4000, KS3.0, 18 Mb RAM.
Since SBoom use less than 300Kb of Memory, it should work fine on a
basic Amiga 500 with 512 Ko CHIP.
** FEATURES ** :
- Fully OS friendly
- Crypted HighScores & Configuration saved on disk
- More than 100 Kb of Sounds
- EXPERT mode
- Ajustable squares sizes according to your workbench resolution
- Custom Minefields
- Ajustable Font
- AutoPause when the Window becomes UnSelected
= Disclaimer =
The author cannot be held liable for the accuracy of both the
program and/or manual. The loss of data, in any form, directly or
indirectly caused by the use of this program is the
responsibility of the user.
= Copyright and Distribution =
SBoom 2.0 is Copyright (c) 1998 by the Author, All rights Reserved.
This is Public Domain.
In other words, the archive may be freely distributed as long as no more
than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
This package can be freely distributed on any BBS or
FTP site, CD Rom, Magazine, Disk etc.
Please inform me if you want to include this archive on CDRom or
Magazine CoverDisk.
None of the files in the package may be modified.
Crunching or achiving is allowed only if none of the package files
get modified by it.
The following files MUST be distributed or achieved together:
SBoom/LIBS/Reqtools.library (V38+, Copyright © Nico François)
If you just like the program, PLEASE let me know so by sending an
Unpack the archive to the directory of your choice,
copy the Reqtools.library in your LIBS: directory or delete it if
you have it allready.
Copy the contents of the FONTS directory to your FONTS: directory.
The GOAL of the game is to discover all the hidden mines
in the shortest time possible. You are presented with a
minefield with a known number of mines shown in the top of
the window.
The games starts when you click on the "GO" button.
Then the "GO" button becomes a "NO" button and you can abort
by clicking again on this button.
The Timer situated in the upper-right begins when
the first square of the minefield is discovered.
At the Beginning of a new game, you get the right number of flags
equal to the number of bombs to find in the Minefield.
The timer Starts when the FIRST SQUARE is discover.
To reveal a square, use LEFT MOUSE BUTTON over any of the
unrevealed squares. This will lead to one of three possible
1) The square is blank and the computer performs a flood
fill of all the surround blanks.
2) A number in the range of 1 to 8 appears. This means that
there is that number of mines to be found in the
surrounding eight squares.
3) A bomb appears. You stepped on a mine and the game is over.
By logical deduction and sometimes with a bit of luck, mines can
be located.
When you have located a Bomb, use the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to put a flag.
If later you discover you were wrong and there is no bomb under the
square marked with a flag, just press the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON again
and the flag will disappear.
** HIGHSCORES : Show the first ten scores classed by Time, HighScore
Table unique relative to SIZE, LEVEL and EXPERT.
That means 4*3*2=24 different Highscore Tables.
** ABOUT : Bring to front a Requester with informations about me.
** TCHAO : Same use that the Window Close Gadget.
** SIZE (Size of the Minefield)
*** Nothing : 10*10 squares.
*** Cool : 16*14 squares.
*** OKay : 22*18 squares.
*** MAX : Find the Biggest Minefield according to your
WorkBench Resolution and your SQUARE RATIO.
*** CUSTOM : Use the size defined by user.
** LEVEL (Percentage of Bombs in the Minefield)
*** NOVICE : 10 %
*** HOT : 20 %
*** MASTER : 30 %
*** CUSTOM : Use the percentage of Bombs defined by user.
** EXPERT : Way to inform player of surround squares.
This mode activated (activated by default), the number
printed on the selected square with the left mouse button
can range from 1 to 8 because it checks the top,
bottom, left and right but also the four corners.
If you disable this option, it will check only the Top,
bottom, left and right, BUT NOT the four corners of the
selected square, and then the number printed range only
from 1 to 4.
If you used to play the common and classic mode EXPERT,
as on the PeeCees, you will find that this mode needs
more thinking time cause you don't use to play this mode
whereas it is a lot easier.
** AUTOSAVE (Save Highscores & All Menu Config to Disk)
*** At End : After using the Window Close Gadget or
"Tchao" Menu to quit the Game.
*** In Game : After Each NEW HighScore.
*** Never : More Explanations ?
*** Now : ?
** SQUARE RATIO (Pixel Ratio on the screen= Width:Height )
*** 2:1 : Hires, etc...
*** 2:2 : Lowres, Hires Interlaced, etc...
** DEFINE CUSTOM : Allow to Redefine Custom Size (Width & Height)
and custom percentage of bombs.
By default, equal to easier Minefield :
Size=10*10, percentage=10%.
Pleaze NOTE that if you define a new Custom
Level, all the Custom Highscores tables will be
** SOUNDS : (Des)activate all sounds during Game.
** SAFE START : This option activated, the game will automatically
clear the very first square you click on, and all
squares that surround it. This means that you will
never die on the first square, and that you will
always get a reasonably sized safe area in which
to start.
== Usefull Infos ==
- AutoPause : When the main SBoom window becomes unselected, the Time Counter
stop immediately and a small scrolltext is printed over it.
So if you suddenly remember that some other task in the
background needs some attention, you can go and see to it without
loosing your current game. Reselect the window with the Left
MouseButton, and the game restarts.
- Encryption : HighScore File has been Crypted by using a new kind of routine
No cheats allowed !
- HS 1->2.0 : A tiny utility is supplied which allow to convert
SBoom HighScores 1.0 File to SBoom 2.0 File.
You have just to select your current SBoom 1.0 Path, here
a new file called "SBoom.save" will be generated.
Just move this file inside your SBoom 2.0 directory,
and that's all.
- SBoom executable file support the generic "Version" Command.
= TO DO ? =
- Any Idea ?
If you have any comments, ideas which could or should be improved,
bug reports or anything else, please feel free to contact me at
the given adress.
If u think this game can be improved, you just have to tell me what to do !